"Year of the Adopted Family" book release

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Liability: Aim for the Board and not the Fingers

I purchased my first staple gun. Then, I used one for the first time.

Sound like a liability problem?

Not really. I have an insurance license with Aflac and have the accident plan. I'm covered.

Though, I should be as careful as possible before the premiere day. After all, it will be filmed.

I was told about the various booths up and down the same street at the Covey Center for the Arts, the same place as my premiere. I knew a poster needed to be stapled to each one.

The booths were three sided with a fourth glass side. The glass side was reserved for the government. Depending on the space, I put up either a poster or two postcards.

Why two postcards? Then one side had the image of the soup, hands, and steam while the other side shared the information.

Along the way, I entered certain stores that displayed other posters that would occur in the Covey Center for the Arts.

I knew the people inside these stores would probably give permission to tape my poster alongside the other posters.

Then a group of ladies walked by.

I called out, "Hey, do you know how far these booths go?" They said that there were booths for a couple more blocks. Then it was best for me to turn around.

Eventually, they asked about my event.

I was only too glad to share.

I had their attention when I mentioned how the Family Famine: Hunger for Love program celebrated storytelling as the main stage art with the merge of an electric guitarist, an upright bass player, and a singer.

The ladies, who worked in the same building, said they would love to attend. It was the cue to give each of them their own Family Famine: Hunger for Love postcard.

Finally, I reached the last booth outside the Covey Center for the Arts. A man waiting for the bus was kind enough to take the picture you see with this post.

The same day that my fingers were in possible danger from a staple gun was also the same day that I bought liability insurance for the Family Famine: Hunger for Love premiere.

Part of receiving the insurance included asking questions like, "Will you have pyrotechnics for the show?"

Um. No. But what a great idea!

Then I crossed off the fireworks on my "to do" list as I had not budgeted for these items. Alas!

With the paperwork done, I handed over my debit card and was charged $125.00 based on the number of performers, the level of risk, and the estimate of people to attend.

Whew! Now I was covered there!

I tucked away my debit card and my staple gun and headed home.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Former Co-Chair of Youth, Educators, and Storytellers Alliance (2005-2008)
Tel: (801) 870-5799
Email: info@rachelhedman.com
Performance Blog: http://familyfamine.blogspot.com
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller

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