"Year of the Adopted Family" book release

Friday, September 26, 2008

When in Pursuit of a Logo: Paths to Take

As Cohezion Communications created phenomenal work from my logo to the Utah Storytelling Guild to StoryFest, then they would also help in putting my logo for the "Family Famine: Hunger for Love" narrative production (see image from my business card).

I asked for the logo to merge some elements of my own logo so that someone could look at the artwork and say, "This must be connected with Rachel Hedman."

Originally, I thought some Communications students from Brigham Young University could develop the logo, but it seems that this is not possible for this particular project. By going through a company, the starting cost is usually $500 whereas there is little to no cost when able to partner with a college class.

For quality I am willing to spend money to get it, though I am also aware that college students are taught the latest in software and techniques so the outcomes can be just as amazing.

Any program that I create should have a separate logo, though this narrative production will be the first to put my "rule" to action.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Co-Chair of Youth, Educators, and Storytellers Alliance
Tel: (801) 870-5799
Email: info@rachelhedman.com
Performance Blog: http://familyfamine.blogspot.com
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Silly & Provoking Family Quotes to Boost Memory

My eyes found "Wit and Wisdom from the Peanut Butter Gang, a collection of wise words from young hearts" by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. at one of the display areas that librarians create.

Simply flipping though the pages and reading some of the quotes had my mind journey to the past.

Here are some that provoked images or ideas for me--
  • "If love isn't taught in the home, it is almost impossible to learn it anywhere else."--from 75-year-old great-grandmother, on p. 7
  • "If your mom picks your clothes and you dislike them, tell her they don't fit."--Christie, age 12, on p. 15
  • "My grandmother can say more in a sentence than a college professor can say in an hour and a half.", Angela, age 14, on p. 16
  • "No matter how much I love something, mom will throw it away without a second's thought.", Brian, age 12, on p. 16
  • "When you complain about doing the dishes, you usually get stuck doing them more often.", Nichole, age 14, on. p. 17
  • "It's no fun to stay up all night if your parents don't care.", Carrie, age 15, on p. 19
  • "If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. Parents always catch the second person.", Michael, age 10, on p. 21
  • "When you mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.", Morgan, age 11, on p. 23
  • "One of the greatest feelings in the world is the feeling you get when your little sister shows that she admires you.", Dawn, age 14, on p. 24
  • "Despite all the loving and caring relationships in the world, there is nothing more loving than the feel of my mother's hand on my forehead when I am sick.", Rosemary, age 17, on p. 27
  • "It's not always easy being a kid, but I bet it's even harder being an adult.", Julie, age 11, on p. 28
As I develop "Family Famine: Hunger for Love" narrative production, I want to merge personal reflection with the multicultural tales that I choose to tell that either reflect on the light or dark side of family relationships.

Perhaps a single quote could launch me into a library of ideas.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Co-Chair of Youth, Educators, and Storytellers Alliance
Tel: (801) 870-5799
Email: info@rachelhedman.com
Performance Blog: http://familyfamine.blogspot.com
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Storytelling within KBYU TV & Family Reality Show

I was not surprised when I read, "BYU is home to the nation's largest collection of family scholars" in the Deseret News article BYU is launching family reality show on September 23, 2008 written by Tad Walch.

This "Real Families, Real Answers" show is another reason amongst many others that persuaded me to premiere the "Family Famine: Hunger for Love" on the BYU campus.

See a shout-out for families needed for the show--

At the same time, KBYU Television is working on a major production focused on family history, which is much like a sequel to "The Call of Story" that they did in partnership with PBS.

An excerpt from "The Call of Story" with Syd Lieberman--

With the support for both families and storytelling, a narrative production seems perfect in Utah.

As university faculty will be involved with the reality show, then these are the people who could encourage their students to attend and even list my piece as part of the syllabi. These would also be the kind of people I could approach about a workshop preceding the event about family archetypes in folklore and what that means to us today.

By next week I plan to have a visit to the BYU campus, meet some of these professors, visit the KBYU station, and check out booking prices for theatres. Finding the people to contact is only a phone call away.

The George S. and Dolores Dore' Eccles Foundation funded "The Call of Story" project so a visit with them is also in order.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Co-Chair of Youth, Educators, and Storytellers Alliance
Tel: (801) 870-5799
Email: info@rachelhedman.com
Performance Blog: http://familyfamine.blogspot.com
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller